Development of the composition and technology of the capsulated drug based on bee bread and honey powder. Report 2. The study of pharmacotechnological properties of the mixtures of active pharmaceutical ingredients with excipients of “Api-Immuno-Vit” caps


  • B. T. Kudrik National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • O. I. Tikhonov National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • O. S. Shpychak National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



bee bread, powdered honey, excipients, physicochemical properties, pharmacotechnological tests, “Api-Immuno-Vit” capsules, immunomodulatory action


The physical, physicochemical and pharmacotechnological properties of active pharmaceutical ingredients and their mixtures with the excipients of “Api-Immuno-Vit” capsules with the immunomodulatory action based on bee bread and powdered honey have been studied. The results of the analysis of the resulting masses for encapsulation of the mixtures with active substances indicate the necessity of introduction of antifriction substances and humidity regulators into the composition of the drug being developed and allow determining the rational composition and the quantitative content of excipients. By the pharmacotechnological studies conducted the expediency of obtaining granules by the wet granulation method of the mass for encapsulation using the alcohol-water mixture in the concentration of 80% as a moisturizer has been determined.

Author Biographies

B. T. Kudrik, National University of Pharmacy


O. I. Tikhonov, National University of Pharmacy

Профессор кафедры косметологии и аромологии

O. S. Shpychak, National University of Pharmacy

Доцент кафедры аптечной технологии лекарств


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Technology of Medicines