The study of modern approaches to provision of pharmaceutical care in the conditions of good pharmacy practice introduction


  • V. M. Nazarkina National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • O. A. Nemchenko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



pharmaceutical care, pharmaceutical services, pharmacy practice, pharmacotherapy, systematic (comprehensive) approach


It has been shown that nowadays pharmaceutical provision of the population is a complex integration system that combines pharmaceutical care, pharmaceutical services, the process of drug supply and professional pharmacy practice. The content of such concepts as pharmaceutical care and pharmaceutical service, as well as medication therapy management have been determined. Two approaches to the management of pharmaceutical services in the process of changing the vector of the professional activity of a pharmacist have been reviewed. With regard to the implementation of such services there are two approaches: a focus on a product (drug) and focus on a patient. The basic functional differences between these two approaches in providing pharmaceutical services have been identified. A comparative analysis of the parameters for such concepts as pharmaceutical and medical care has been carried out. It has been shown that the process of medication therapy management includes three levels: system (public policy, regulation and legislation), institutional (control lists, formularies and protocols) and individual (pharmaceutical care). From positions of the system approach the process of pharmaceutical care by the patient’s treatment planning has been considered.


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Organization and Economy of Pharmacy