News of Pharmacy 2025-02-28T11:27:07+02:00 Zuіkina Yelizaveta Open Journal Systems Publication of original survey works on the main problems of pharmacy such as synthesis and analysis of biologically active substances, technology of medicines and control of their quality, organization and economy of pharmacy and pharmacoeconomics, precl The study of the analgesic and anti-edematous activity of purified naphthalan oil on the model of psoriasis 2025-02-27T16:59:27+02:00 I. Yu. Stan G. V. Zaychenko <p class="a"><strong><span lang="EN-GB">Aim.</span></strong><span lang="EN-GB"> To study the analgesic and anti-edematous activity of test samples of soft dosage forms containing purified naphthalan oil (PNO) on the model of psoriasis-like skin lesions and with additional inflammation induced by carrageenan.</span></p> <p class="a"><strong><span lang="EN-GB">Materials and methods.</span></strong><span lang="EN-GB"> Psoriasis-like skin lesions were modeled by applying imiquimod to mice on a shaved area of the back skin. Additional inflammation was induced by injecting carrageenan under the plantar aponeurosis of the hind limb. The analgesic and anti-edematous effects of test samples of soft dosage forms containing PNO were studied, namely, an ointment with 10&nbsp;% purified naphthalan oil and 3&nbsp;% salicylic acid (PNO-SA), a cream with 10&nbsp;% purified naphthalan oil and 0.064&nbsp;% betamethasone dipropionate (PNO-BD), a cream with 10&nbsp;% purified naphthalan oil and 10&nbsp;% urea (PNO-U), and a cream with 10&nbsp;% purified naphthalan oil, 0.064&nbsp;% betamethasone dipropionate, and 10&nbsp;% urea (PNO-BD-U). The analgesic effect of the test samples was assessed using the “tail flick” test to determine the pain threshold. The anti-edematous effect was evaluated by measuring the paw volume (standard units) using the plethysmometric method with the subsequent calculation of anti-edematous activity (AEA).</span></p> <p class="a"><strong><span lang="EN-GB">Results.</span></strong><span lang="EN-GB"> It was found that in mice with psoriasis-like skin lesions, test samples containing PNO did not exhibit algogenic effects or increase the pain sensitivity. The PNO-SA ointment demonstrated a statistically significant higher pain threshold or a tendency toward a higher pain threshold on Day 14 of the treatment. In conditions of additional pain induction by carrageenan, all groups receiving PNO test samples showed an increased pain threshold 4 hours after phlogogen administration. The PNO-SA, PNO-U, and PNO-BD-U test samples also exhibited higher pain threshold <span style="letter-spacing: .1pt;">values compared to the pathology control group. These findings suggest the analgesic effect of soft dosage forms </span>containing PNO. It was found that the highest anti-edematous effect was observed in the PNO-SA group 2 hours after carrageenan administration (AEA 78.6&nbsp;%) and in the PNO-U group 4 hours after administration (AEA 91.7&nbsp;%). At the same time, in the PNO-SA group, unlike the other groups, there was no statistically significant increase in the paw volume during the experiment.</span></p> <p class="a"><strong><span lang="EN-GB">Conclusions.</span></strong><span lang="EN-GB"> Among the test samples studied, PNO-SA is of the greatest interest taking into account the analgesic and anti-edematous activity. It is advisable to conduct further studies to assess the effectiveness and safety of this dosage form in models of psoriasis-like skin lesions<em> in vitro</em> and <em>in vivo</em> in order to develop a medicinal product for psoriasis treatment.</span></p> 2025-02-28T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 National University of Pharmacy The substantiation of the composition of an extemporaneous cream with antipsoriatic and anti-inflammatory effects 2025-02-28T11:03:59+02:00 Zh. М. Polova Т. А. Butkevych V. Yu. Diachenko O. A. Simonova S. V. Oliinyk <p><strong>Aim. </strong>To substantiate an extemporaneous emulsion cream based on purified naphthalan oil for the pharmacotherapy of psoriasis.</p> <p><strong>Materials and methods. </strong>Such methods as system analysis and generalization, as well as organoleptic, physicochemical, structural-mechanical, biopharmaceutical and statistical methods were used in the work.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong><strong>. </strong>The composition of an extemporaneous agent in the form of a cream for external use with the antipsoriatic and anti-inflammatory action were substantiated. It contains a purified naphthalan oil, the chamomile oil extract and a&nbsp;10&nbsp;% oil solution of vitamin A as active components of the substance of natural origin. Six model samples of the emulsion cream were processed; Tween-80, emulsifier No. 1 and Olivem 1000 were introduced in them as emulsifiers. Glycerol and propylene glycol in the concentration of 10&nbsp;% were used as structure-forming substances of the hydrophilic phase. Colloidal and thermal stability, pH, structural viscosity and kinetics of the active component release were determined by the agar diffusion method in order to substantiate the excipients in the composition of the emulsion cream.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions. </strong>As a result of the organoleptic, physicochemical, structural-mechanical and biopharmaceutical studies conducted, the composition of an extemporaneous emulsion cream with antipsoriatic and anti-inflammatory effects based on white purified naphthalan oil has been experimentally substantiated.</p> 2025-02-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 National University of Pharmacy