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Author Guidelines

General requirements for publications

Articles that meet all the requirements listed below and have not been previously published and sent for consideration to the editors of other journals are submitted to the journal.

The authors are responsible for the authenticity and originality of their materials. The Editorial Board reserves the right to shorten and edit the articles.

In order to send an article to the journal and to check the current status of your article, please log in to the site ( and register as a user.

Articles are printed in Ukrainian, Russian and English.

The volume of the article is up to 10-15 pages of the given format.

Requirements to the content of the article

The Editorial Board accepts original relevant articles for consideration. These articles can contain the results of research on the synthesis and analysis of biologically active substances; the study of medicinal plants as sources of medicinal compounds with the proven chemical nature and therapeutic effect; studies on substantiation of the composition, development of the technology, quality control of natural, synthetic and combined medicines; assortment building, sale, storage, circulation and consumption of medicines; optimization of pharmaceutical provision of the population, groups of patients by certain nosological forms; pharmaceutical pricing; improvement of the forms and methods of organization and management of pharmacy. Moreover, these articles should contain theoretical or experimental results of the studies that have not been previously published.

Requirements to the structure of the article

Authors should follow the general plan for constructing the article containing the subdivisions, which titles are indicated by semi-bold without a point at the end. The text begins from a new line. The article should contain the following obligatory subdivisions:

–    Introduction. The introduction determines the task setting in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks. It is necessary to include the analysis of recent research and publications, as well as to analyze the literature concerning the topic of the article and the authors’ own previous publications about this topic that outline the given scientific problem. This section should indicate the results that the authors of the previous publications succeeded to obtain and unresolved issues.

–      The aim contains the task setting.

–      Materials and methods. It contains a description of methods and procedures that should give a clear idea of the objectivity of the results obtained.

–      Results and discussion. This section comprises the results of research done by the author. They must be clearly and exhaustively described with full substantiation of the research results obtained.

–      Conclusions and prospects of further research. It contains the main conclusions of a particular research, their further application, a critical assessment of disadvantages of studying the problem and the prospects for further research in a particular direction.

–      Conflict of interests. Any potential conflicts of interest should be considered at the earliest possible stage. Examples of potential conflicts of interest are: paid research, advice, patent applications, grants or other funding, personal relationships of authors with other people or organizations. The Editorial Office should apply the Elsevier policy to disclose potential conflicts of interest by authors and reviewers, e.g. the ICMJE guidelines.

–      The list of the information sources used (References) is located by its reference in the text.


Submission of articles

The article contains information about all authors, including the full name, academic title, academic degree; place of work and position of the author; country name, telephone numbers, E-mail for correspondence (without underscores), ORCID and Researcher ID (if available).

Requirements for the technical design of the article

The text of the article is printed in size 14 in 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman on a sheet of A4 format (the width of the fields: 3 cm on the left, 1 cm on the right, 2 cm on the top and at the bottom) and begins with the following data:

1. UDC (in the upper left corner).

2. Initials and surnames of the authors.

3. Place of work (name of the organization, country); each piece of information is written in a new line). If authors are from different organizations, they are numbered using a crossword sign.

4. The title of the article (semi-bold) should contain 10-12 words, but not more than 95 symbols, together with spaces.

5. The abstract is provided in three languages (Ukrainian, English, Russian), but first in the language of the article. It contains the following subdivisions: Aim, Materials and methods, Results and discussion, Conclusions, Key words. All subdivisions begin with a paragraph. The volume should be at least 1800 signs. It is recommended to build sentences according to the following model: “It has been found (determined, proven) that ...”, “The contribution / effect / role has been assessed ...”, “The regularities have been characterized...”, “It has been considered that...”, etc.

6. The phrase “Key words” begins a new line in the language of the article in italics (keywords are needed for search engines and the classification of articles by subject). English key words for articles are desirable to be selected by the authors from the MeSH index of the National Library of Medicine of the United States https: It is in the interest of the author to specify the number of key words needed to increase the chances of finding the article through search engines. Word combinations are considered as one key word. The number of keywords is 5 - 8. The use of trademarks should be as limited as possible in the names, abstract and key words. Medicines in the text should be mentioned by their international non-proprietary names. In cases where the manufacturer of the medicine is important in the context of the study the name of the manufacturer is mentioned in brackets after the unpatented name.

7. The text of the article is given after the abstract in an interval, paragraph indentation – 1 cm.

8. The system of SI units should be used in the articles.

9. References in the text of the article are given in square brackets indicating the serial number in the list of literature. The source numbers are separated by a comma, for example: [7, 8, 12]. The point in the sentence put after brackets of the references.

10. Figures and tables are done in accordance with DSTU 3008-95 and are located in the text strictly within the printed field of the book orientation of pages. All text information in the figures should be clear and legible, it should not contain any unnecessary details (for example, graphs do not allow the “secondary” marks on coordinate axes, etc.). Each figure has a caption (not combined with the figure), and the table has a heading (center alignment). All figures and tables must be numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals. It is advisable to add colorful illustrative material in JPG, TIFF, PCX, and similar graphics in the form of additional individual files with the names rys1, rys2. The formulas must have a sequential numbering from the right field. They should be added in additional separate files in such formats as Corel Draw 13; Chem Win, ISISdraw; charts and figures – in Excel or Corel Draw 13. The width of the graphic material should be up to 17.4 cm. The information in tables and figures should not be duplicated.

11. The list of the information sources used (References) is given in semi-bold letters in an interval in the center, the numbering of the sources in the order of mentioning in the text, without indentation. References should include publications for the last 10 years. The list of the sources of information used must meet the standard DSTU 7.1: 2006 “Information, Library and Publishing Standards. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation”. To simplify the procedure for listing the literature according to the requirements of the HAC (VAK), it is recommended to use the resource A reference in the text of the article should be made for each work in the list of references. The basis of the reference base should be scientific articles published in the prestigious journals of the same direction over the last few years. Citation of monographs and conference reports should not constitute a significant percentage of the source base. It is necessary to limit the references to non-authoritative web resources, methodological recommendations, textbooks, manuals, conference abstracts. Links to URLs must necessarily include the date of reference to them. Authors should use the rules for abbreviations of titles of publications in references to the ISO / Medline / CAS standards. If there is the DOI identifier of the articles quoted, they must be specified. The list of the information sources used is given in an interval in Ukrainian and Russian, transliterated with roman letters. Names of authors, titles of books (journals, conferences), articles, etc., are transliterated, and in square brackets the translation of names into English is provided (usually in all articles there is the author’s translation of the title of the article and the abstract). Foreign sources written in the Latin alphabet remain unchanged. To transliterate the sources into Ukrainian, it is recommended to use the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 55 “On Structuring the Transliteration of the Ukrainian Alphabet with roman letters” dated January 27, 2010 ( and the following online services: “Standard Ukrainian Transliteration” in the Passport Standard mode ( and “Public System of Transliteration of the Ukrainian Alphabet with roman letters” ( For sources in Russian “TRANSLIT SS” ( is used.

13. Information about the authors is given in three languages, but first in the language of the article. The information should include the author’s name, academic title, academic degree, place of work, country, email address (without underscores), ORCID and Researcher ID.

14. Articles that do not meet the requirements will not be accepted by the Editorial Staff and returned to the author for revision. Articles sent to the authors for correction must be returned to the Editorial Office no later than 3 days after receipt. In the author’s proofreading it is allowed to correct typing errors and correctness of the information. After approval of the original layout by all authors and editors the editors do not accept the claim of the authors.

15. After the final agreement of the articles the authors are sent an Agreement on the provision of services for the editorial preparation of a scientific article in “News of Pharmacy” journal. This agreement with a payment receipt must be returned to the Publishing Center of the NUPh.



Synthesis and Analysis of Biologically Active Substances

Obtaining of new medicines of natural and synthetic origin with the predictable therapeutic activity; research of their structure, chemical and physical properties; determination of regularities of the relationship between the chemical structure and biological activity; development, improvement and validation of methods for quality control of substances and medicines; the study of distribution and the rational use of medicinal plants, methods for their processing as the plant raw material; development of methods for identification and standardization of biologically active substances in the composition of medicinal plants.

Technology of Medicines

Substantiation of the composition and development of the technology for new (dosage and extemporaneous) medicines, veterinary, homeopathic, preventive, cosmetic, disinfection and other products using modern research methods.

Organization and Economy of Pharmacy

The studies of organizational, managerial and legal issues related to the experimental and research and methodological substantiation of storage, transportation, formation of the range, implementation, circulation and consumption of medicines and medical products; fundamental and applied research aimed at improving the system of the pharmaceutical supply of the population, human resource management and coverage of historical aspects of pharmacy; pharmaceutical commodity science.

Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology

The screening of biologically active substances and the study of the dependence of their pharmacological activity on the chemical structure; the experimental study of the mechanisms of action, pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetic indicators of biologically active substances, medicinal substances and drugs; the study of the pharmacological action of medicines depending on the dosage form and their bioavailability; development of new experimental models adequate to human diseases, and their introduction into pharmacological practice.

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