The methodological support of adaptive management of manufacturing pharmaceutical enterprises




adaptive management, manufacturing pharmaceutical enterprise, methodological support, medicinal product


Aim. To develop the methodological support for management of the manufacturing pharmaceutical enterprises (MPE) of Ukraine.

Materials and methods. The methods used in the study include methods of theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis, synergetic approach.

Results and discussion. The organizational and economic mechanism of adaptive management of MPE has been constructed. It carries out its activities on the basis of elements that determine the main directions of the organization of management of pharmaceutical entities and substantively represents a set of sequential processes determining the complex managerial impact on all management facilities involved in financial and economic activities and
providing optimization and the efficient use of all types of production and economic resources. It has been determined that the formation of organizational and economic mechanism of adaptive management of manufacturing pharmaceutical companies requires pharmaceutical companies to effectively implement management functions that exist within the stages of the management process based on the use of all elements of the mechanism.

Conclusions. It has been concluded that the methodological support of adaptive management of manufacturing pharmaceutical enterprises will allow businesses to adapt to change, develop in the direction of combining the interests of all stakeholders on the competitiveness of the pharmaceutical industry of Ukraine.

Author Biographies

K. Holybtsova, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

head of the Postgraduate Studies Department

I.-M. Gurina-Rapinchuk, Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), associate professor of the Department of Management and Economics in Family Medicine


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Organization and Economy of Pharmacy