The study of peculiarities of creating the brand of a higher education institution




higher education institution brand; higher education institution; management; educational service; brand creation models


Aim. To study peculiarities of the brand of a higher education institution, to determine the factors affecting the success of the brand development for a higher education institution, to substantiate theoretical and methodological measures for creating a brand of a higher education institution.

Materials and methods. The object of our research was the literature data on the brand system of a higher education institution. Statistical, analytical, comparative and logical research methods were used in the work.

Results and discussion. The scientific works of researchers who studied the concept of a “higher education institution brand” have been studied. The definition of “branding of educational services” has been proposed. The distinctive features of educational services – tangible, intangible and imaginary – have been formed. The structure of quality of educational services in the form of the three-level factor model has been proposed: the quality of the interaction of a higher education institution as a producer of educational service with the target audience, the quality of the external environment, and the quality of the educational service result. The elements and components of the higher education institution brand have been formed. It has been proposed to consider the brand of a higher education institution from three points of view, in particular, the internal potential; the interaction with the environment; the development of an educational institution. Peculiarities of the brand of a higher education institution have been determined. The impact of the brand of the educational institution on different audiences has been noted, namely: applicants and (or) their parents; students; competitors; the state; society. The functional, psychological and cultural influence of the brand of a higher education institution has been studied. The main conditions of a successful brand of a higher education institution have been formulated. The system of functions of the educational brand has been highlighted. The brand effectiveness of a higher education institution has been generalized. Factors affecting the brand of a higher education institution have been studied. The internal and external appearance of the brand of a higher education institution has been investigated. The models of the brand of a higher education institution in the education market have been studied.

Conclusions. The algorithm for the dynamic brand management of a higher education institution has been proposed. The advantages of creating an educational brand have been determined.

Author Biographies

A.A. Kotvitska, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, rector

O. Y. Yakovlieva, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Rector's Assistant


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Organization and Economy of Pharmacy