Determination of technological parameters of powder masses of the propolis phenolic hydrophobic drug, grape seeds, bitter chestnut seeds and their mixtures in solid dosage forms




propolis phenolic hydrophobic drug; substances of plant origin; capsules; pharmaco-technological studies


An important task in the course of pharmaceutical development of solid dosage forms is to determine a set of technological methods and study the technological parameters of the powders under research for the purpose of further encapsulation or tabletting of substances with different physicochemical characteristics.

Aim. To study the main technological parameters of the standardized substance of the propolis phenolic hydrophobic drug (PPHD), grape seeds, bitter chestnut seeds and their mixtures for the purpose of their further introduction into the capsules with the anti-inflammatory and venotonic action developed.

Materials and methods. The pharmaco-technological studies of AFI powder masses (fluidity, angle of repose, bulk density, etc.) were performed in accordance with the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine and scientific and practical sources of literature.

Results and discussion. The tests performed indicate that the substances studied and their mixtures do not have satisfactory pharmaco-technological properties, are characterized by a low value of fluidity and the ability to absorb moisture during storage.

Conclusions. The results of the research conducted confirm the need to add certain groups of excipients in the powder mass for their further encapsulation and the use of appropriate technological methods when developing oral dosage forms.

Author Biographies

A. S. Gurtovsky, Municipal Enterprise “Municipal Waste Management Company” of Kharkiv City Council

chief specialist in work with hazardous waste of the Production Department

O. S. Shpychak, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Pharmacy (Dr. habil.), professor, head of the Department of Industrial Pharmacy and Economics, Institute for Advanced Training of Pharmacy Specialists (IATPS)

S. V. Spyrydonov , National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Candidate of Pharmacy (Ph.D.), associate professor of the Industrial Drug Technology Department


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Technology of Medicines