Analysis of the use of PR-technologies by domestic pharmaceutical enterprises in the implementation of socially oriented marketing in the conditions of the global COVID-19 pandemic




pharmaceutical enterprises; socially oriented marketing; social responsibility; Public Relations; COVID-19


Today, leading foreign and domestic pharmaceutical companies are aware of the importance of using socially oriented tools of marketing communication to achieve economic stability, strengthen competitive positions and form a positive image at the pharmaceutical market.

Aim. To study PR-technologies used by domestic pharmaceutical companies as part of the implementation of the concept of socially oriented marketing in the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Materials and methods. The methods of logical and meaningful problem formation, desk marketing research, the content analysis of publications in scientific and practice-oriented medical and pharmaceutical literature were used in the work.

Results and discussion. The issues of social responsibility of pharmaceutical industry enterprises as a key factor in the successful development of companies under the conditions of coronavirus infection have been highlighted. The specificity
has been considered, and the features of modern PR-tools of pharmaceutical companies have been determined. The Internet resources play an important role among them. The content analysis of the web-sites of the TOP-5 major manufacturers of drugs at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine has been conducted; the social responsibility areas and the main PR-technologies have been analyzed.

Conclusions. It has been found that the leading domestic pharmaceutical companies take an active public position and constantly implement various social programs aimed at supporting the society welfare, especially in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. The information content of the sites of the enterprises under study fully reflects the activities of companies in the field of public relations on the principles of openness, relevance, reliability and social responsibility. Considerable attention is paid to the quality, safety and availability of pharmaceutical products and the provision of
appropriate assistance to healthcare institutions in the fight against COVID-19.

Author Biographies

I. V. Pestun, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Doctor of Pharmacy (Dr. habil.), professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing

G. S. Babicheva , National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Candidate of Pharmacy (Ph.D.), associate professor, teaching assistant of the Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing

S. V. Zhadko, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Candidate of Pharmacy (Ph.D.), associate professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing


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Organization and Economy of Pharmacy