The study of the anatomical structure of Cercis siliquastrum L. leaves




Cercis siliquastrum; Judas tree; microscopy; plant structure


Aim. To study the anatomical structure of Cercis siliquastrum L. leaves.

Materials and methods. The study objects were leaves of Judas tree collected in the Botanical garden of the National University of Pharmacy in June, 2021. Micropreparations were made of fresh, dried material and fixed with a mixture of 96 % ethanol, water and glycerin (1 : 1: 1). Micropreparations were prepared and examined according to the methods
of the SPhU using a Granum microscope (Austria). A Canon PC1251 camera was used for photographing.

Results and discussion. The type of the leaf blade is dorsoventral, hypostomatic, there are cells with the orange content. There are numerous stomata of anocytic (sometimes anisocytic) type. Simple multicellular hairs with a weakly warty cuticle were found on the lower and upper epidermis. A 2-3-layered collenchymatous parenchyma is located above the central vein. The bundle sheath is crystalliferous. On the xylem side, 5-6 layers of the sclerenchyma are observed. The petiole has an oval shape, slightly ribbed near the leaf blade. In the middle of the petiole there are three bundles: two radial on the sides and one central with two additional bundles. All bundles are surrounded by a common sclerenchymal ring. There are cells with the orange content in the parenchyma. On the abaxial side there is a layer of cells with calcium oxalate drusens under the sclerenchyma. The petiole is rounded, slightly ribbed. The bundle has a crescent shape in the center. The xylem rays are with the brown content. The sclerenchyma is well developed. There are drusens in the parenchyma of the petiole.

Conclusions. The main anatomical features of Judas tree leaves have been determined; it will allow identifying and standardizing the plant raw material. The data obtained are necessary for the development of Drug Quality Control Methods (DQCM) for the medicinal raw material.

Author Biographies

O. V. Demeshko , National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Candidate of Pharmacy (Ph.D), associate professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy

I. I. Batiuchenko , H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Ukraine

Candidate of Pharmacy (Ph.D), associate professor of the Department of Botany

S. V. Kovalev , National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Doctor of Pharmacy (Dr. habil.), professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy

O. V. Krivoruchko , National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Doctor of Pharmacy (Dr. habil.), professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy

S. V. Romanova , National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Candidate of Pharmacy (Ph.D), assistant professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy


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