Development of the adhesive composition for the transdermal therapeutic system with the anti-inflammatory action




transdermal therapeutic systems; patches; composition; excipients; adhesive compositions


Aim. To develop the content of the adhesive composition, being one of the stages in developing the transdermal therapeutic system with the anti-inflammatory action.

Materials and methods. Using organoleptic research methods, the properties affecting the process of applying the adhesive to the base and subsequently to the quality of the finished product were studied. Color, consistency and homogeneity were determined visually, and the features of applying the mass to the base were recorded. To determine the optimal temperature and drying time, drying was performed in a thermostat at a temperature of 60 to 120 ºС for 5-15 min.

Results and discussion. Compositions based on a mixture of hydrogels with a hydrophobic silicone adhesive had a very thick consistency, which made it difficult to apply them to the base and led to significant weight losses during application. Instead, compositions based on a mixture of the aesilonum-aerosil base with a hydrophobic silicone adhesive had too liquid consistency. Adjusting the amount of aesilonum-4 we obtained a composition with satisfactory consistent properties, which distributed over the base in a uniform thin layer. When studying the effect of enhancers on the properties of the adhesive composition it was found that the addition of oleic acid and dimethyl sulfoxide diluted the
mass and prevented uniform application to the base, the addition of isopropyl myristate slightly diluted the mass, while the addition of propylene glycol did not affect the properties of the composition at all. Therefore, propylene glycol could be used as an enhancer. When setting the extension mode, the optimal one was determined to be 120 ºС for 5 min.

Conclusions. The content of the adhesive composition has been developed. The composition includes: polysiloxane – 5.0, H-polysiloxane – 5.0, aerosil – 0.35, aesilonum-4 – 1.0, propylene glycol – 1.0. It has satisfactory consistency and organoleptic properties. It has been found that the optimal drying mode of the hydrophobic adhesive composition is 120 ºС for 5 min.

Author Biographies

A. I. Olefir, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Postgraduate student of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of Drugs

L. I. Vyshnevska , National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Doctor of Pharmacy (Dr. habil.), professor, head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of Drugs


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Technology of Medicines