Segmentation of modern dosage forms at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine




segment; capsules; pharmaceutical market of Ukraine; content analysis


In the current conditions of the pharmaceutical industry development the segmentation of available dosage forms among 13898 medicines registered on the territory of Ukraine allows to optimize the pharmaceutical provision of the population.

Aim. To comprehensively analyze medicines registered in Ukraine.

Materials and methods. The study material was data of the State Register of Medicines of Ukraine in 2022. The research methods used were frequency and content analysis.

Results and discussion. As a result of the content analysis, it has been found that the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine is represented by 13898 items of medicines; among them 10965 are ready-made medicinal products (78.89 %) and 2146 are substances (15.44 %), where the largest share is made up of finished dosage forms, namely
solid dosage forms: tablets (49.96 %), solutions (17.17 %), capsules (10.37 %) and powders (10.01 %) with a preference for foreign production of 66.35 %. Medicines in the form of capsules and their varieties with the advantage of foreign production of 76.01 % of trade names are also determined.

Conclusions. As a result of the content analysis, the range of dosage forms registered on the territory of Ukraine amounting to 13898 trade names has been determined. Solid dosage forms (tablets, capsules) account for 6617 trade names and occupy 60.35 % of the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine. When analyzing manufacturers of modern dosage forms it has been found that the ratio of capsules of foreign and domestic production is 2:1, where Indian dosage
forms make up 18.54 %.

Author Biographies

V. S. Zlahoda , National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya

Teaching assistant of the Department of Pharmacy

L. O. Bobrytska , National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Doctor of Pharmacy (Dr. habil.), professor of the Department of Factory Drug Technology


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Organization and Economy of Pharmacy