Experience of work as an extemporal pharmacy and providing the population with medicines under the conditions of the martial law





extemporaneous formulation; dosage forms; martial law; analysis


Aim. To highlight the expediency of reviving extemporaneous formulations as a necessary condition for fully providing the population of Ukraine with individualized medicinal products that can be also used in conditions of the martial law and emergency situations.

Materials and methods. Publications and our own research of the activities of pharmacy No. 80 in Slovyansk, Donetsk region, with extemporaneous compounding of medicines were used. The following methods were used in the work: system analysis, synthesis, own observations and generalization of data.

Results and discussion. From a professional point of view, medicinal products extemporaneously manufactured are a unique attribute of pharmacy practice, which reflects the professional status of pharmacists, particularly hospital pharmacists. Despite a significant reduction in the range and quantity of pharmacy-made medicines in pharmacies, they continue to retain important functions (medical, therapeutic, social). During the period from February 24, 2022 to March 9, 2022, sale volumes of the most popular medicines increased significantly. Suspensions for external use were in the greatest demand, in particular, the universal white lotion doubled in dispensing (from 4 to 8 bottles per day), as well as sedative drugs (Quarter’s mixture) – more than five times (from 2 to 13 bottles day). The number of powders (with different dosages of captopril, verospiron, furosemide, anaprilin, euthyrox, etc.) for children in one order could be
from 30-50 doses to 90-120 doses, and one child sometimes had 2-3 names of prescribed medicines, i.e. the number of doses of the daily compounding of powders reached 200-300 pieces for one consumer.

Conclusions. Today, an important task of domestic pharmacy is not only to preserve extemporaneous formulations, but also to improve them and develop new magistral formulas using professional recommendations and professional advice.

Author Biographies

N. I. Shtuchna , National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Postgraduate student of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of Drugs

L. I. Vyshnevska , National University of PharmacyPushkinskaya str., 53, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

Doctor of Pharmacy (Dr. habil.), professor, head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of Drugs


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Organization and Economy of Pharmacy