The study of the chemical composition and the anti-inflammatory activity of dry extracts from large cranberry leaves




large cranberry; leaves; extract; biologically active substances; anti-inflammatory activity


Inflammation accompanies huge numbers of diseases. In case of inflammation, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used, but they have a number of side effects and disadvantages. In turn, medicines based on the medicinal plant raw material that exhibit the anti-inflammatory activity, on the contrary, are underestimated and insufficiently
studied. An interesting object in this direction is large cranberry leaves of Ericaceae family.

Aim. To study the chemical composition and the anti-inflammatory activity of extracts from large cranberry leaves to establish the prospect of creating new drugs with the anti-inflammatory activity.

Materials and methods. The study objects were dry extracts from large cranberry (Oxycoccus macrocarpus (Ait.)) leaves. The chemical analysis of the extracts was studied by TLC and spectrophotometry methods. The anti-inflammatory activity of the extracts was studied on the model of carrageenan edema.

Results and discussion. Hyperoside and chlorogenic acid were identified in the extracts. In the dry extract from large cranberry leaves, the content of the total amount of derivatives of hydroxycinnamic compounds was 11.60 ± 0.05 %, and in the modified extract – 3.09 ± 0.05 %. The anti-exudative activity was more pronounced in the group of animals that received the cranberry extract with arginine in the dose of 100 mg/kg.

Conclusions. Identification and the quantification of biologically active substances in large cranberry leaves extracts have been carried out; their anti-inflammatory activity has been determined.

Author Biographies

I. K. Vlasova, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

post-graduate student of the Pharmacognosy Department

I. V. Botsula, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

post-graduate student of the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy

I. V. Kireyev , National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Doctor of Medicine (Dr. habil.), professor of the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy


O. M. Koshovyi , National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Doctor of Pharmacy (Dr. habil.), professor, of the Pharmacognosy Department


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Synthesis and Analysis of Biologically Active Substances