The study of the influence of pharmacotechnological and economic factors on the pharmaceutical development of capsules with trimetazidine for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases




capsules; trimetazidine; technology; auxiliary substances; cost


Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of reduced life expectancy and quality in the modern world.

Aim. To study the influence of pharmacotechnological and economic factors on the pharmaceutical development of capsules with trimetazidine for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Materials and methods. The research material was the medicinal substance trimetazidine (SharonBio-Medicine Ltd., India), excipients used in the technology of solid dosage forms.

The study of pharmacotechnological characteristics was carried out on devices of the company “Pharma Test” (Germany). The fluidity and the angle of repose were measured on a VP-12A device. The fluidity was estimated by the Carr Index of powder compressibility and the Hausner Index coefficient. A comparative analysis of the cost calculation of the production of drugs with trimetazidine in tablet and capsulated forms was carried out using the “costs plus” method.

Results and discussion. As a result of the studies conducted on the selection of excipients for capsules with trimetazidine, the following excipients were reasonably used: lactose monohydrate 200/25 diluent, mannitol PARTECK M 200 filler and CompactCel®MAB mixture of a disintegrant, a moisture regulator and a lubricant.

A comparative analysis of the cost calculation of the production of drugs with trimetazidine in tablets and capsules was carried out.

Conclusions. The advantages of direct encapsulation technology by economic and technological indicators prove the economic efficiency and contribute to new developments of high-quality medicinal products in capsules with high efficiency, availability and ease of use.

Author Biographies

V. S. Zlahoda, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya

Teaching assistant of the Department of Pharmacy

L. O. Bobrytska, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kharkiv

Doctor of Pharmacy (Dr. habil.), professor of the Department of Industrial Technology of Drugs


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CompactCel®MAB : BIOGRUND EXCiPACT Certification BIOGRUND GmbH. Available at.: https://www.pharma





Technology of Medicines