Development of the technology for a transdermal therapeutic system of the anti-inflammatory action


  • А. І. Olefir National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • L. I. Vishnevska National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine



technological process, transdermal therapeutic systems, patches, composition


Aim. To develop the technology for manufacturing a transdermal therapeutic system of anti-inflammatory action in the laboratory and substantiate the choice of a support coating.

Materials and methods. For the study, model samples of the transdermal patch were used; their main components were a dry extract of white willow bark, a dry extract of sage leaves, quercetin, PVP, eudragit, PEO-400 and isopropyl alcohol – up to 100.0, as well as a support coating – a polyethylene terephthalate film. Organoleptic and technological research methods were applied.

Results and discussion. The rational technology of the laboratory production of an anti-inflammatory patch based on natural substances and the type of a support coating – a polyethylene terephthalate film with a thickness of 50 microns has been theoretically and experimentally substantiated. It has been found that the optimal mode of drying experimental patch samples is 50 °C, the drying time is 10 min. Keeping the samples in the thermostat for longer than 10 min, or at a temperature above 50 °C, leads to significant over-drying of the adhesive base, a film devoid of adhesive properties is formed, and it completely lags behind the polymer base. A flowchart for obtaining a patch has been developed, critical production parameters have been determined, and permissible deviation limits have been set.

Conclusions. The technology for manufacturing of an anti-inflammatory patch based on natural substances has been developed in the laboratory. The optimal support coating for the patch has been selected, the optimal drying mode of the adhesive composition has been determined. The critical parameters of the technological process for obtaining a patch have been determined.

Author Biographies

А. І. Olefir, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kharkiv

Postgraduate student of the Drug Technology Department

L. I. Vishnevska, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kharkiv

Doctor of Pharmacy (Dr. habil.), professor, head of the Drug Technology Department


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Technology of Medicines