Substantiation of the composition and technology of obtaining a dry extract of complex action in the laboratory conditions




multicomponent species, composition, dry extract, rational technology


Aim. To substantiate the composition and extraction parameters of a multicomponent species for obtaining a dry extract of complex action.

Materials and methods. The study objects were the medicinal plant raw material, extractant and parameters of the extraction process. Information-search, information-analytical, organoleptic, physicochemical and pharmacotechnological research methods were used. The statistical processing of the data obtained was performed using Microsoft Excel 2007 spreadsheets.

Results and discussion. The study of the extraction conditions consisted in determining the optimal DER indicator by evaluating the nature of changes in the content of a dry residue, extractive substances in each separately collected sample of a liquid extract, as well as the concentration of groups of biologically active substances (BAS) in individual and total portions of extracts. The results obtained for the content of a dry residue and BAS show characteristic changes depending on the raw material : extract ratio. When the ratio increases from 1 : 1 to 1 : 15, there is a gradual decrease in the content of a dry residue in individual portions of the extract, the dynamics of the decrease in the concentration of individual groups of BAS (phenolic carboxylic acids, flavonoids, polysaccharides) is also unambiguous, but does not always correlate with changes in the content of extractive substances. Taking into account the results obtained, the extraction of the phytocomposition with 20 % ethanol at a DER ratio of 1 : 10 ensures an efficient and rational extraction in view of the content of BAS marker groups.

Conclusions. As a result of the work carried out, a dry extract has been obtained by the method of filtration extraction. The extraction process is carried out in laboratory conditions: the weight of the loaded raw material – 100.0 g; extractant – 20 % ethanol; extraction rate – 2-3 mL/min; the raw material : extractant ratio (DER) – 1:10. The yield of extractive substances is 26.68 %, the content of phenolic acids is 1.05 %, flavonoids – 0.25 %, polysaccharides – 1.01 %.

Author Biographies

О. О. Shmalko, Medical Institute of BSNU named after Petro Mohyla

Аssociate professor of the Department of Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Medical, Bioorganic and Biological Chemistry

V. K. Iakovenko, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kharkiv

Doctor of Pharmacy (Dr. habil.), professor of the Department of Industrial Pharmacy and Economics


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Technology of Medicines