The development of pharmaceutical biotechnology in Kharkiv: to the 125th anniversary of “Biolik” enterprise
bibliosemantic review; pharmaceutical biotechnology; technology; historical analysis; generalization of data; vaccine; liposome; serumAbstract
Aim. To study the development of pharmaceutical biotechnology in Ukraine on the example of the history of the Kharkiv enterprise “Biolik” over the past 125 years.
Materials and methods. Analytical and comparative research methods, as well as bibliosemantic review were used in the article.
Results and discussion. The development of the scientific and technological school of the enterprise “Biolik” in the production of drugs based on biotechnology, such as vaccines, serums, probiotics, artificial nanoparticles, etc., was studied covering the period from the end of the XIX-th century and to the present time.
Conclusions. It has been shown that the enterprise “Biolik” has a significant potential (production areas, equipment, technological documentation, staff, etc.). The enterprise can produce immune-biotechnological and original medicines. We can hope that this potential of the enterprise will allow it to successfully resume the production of high-tech drugs in Ukraine.
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JSC Biolik received the independent Business Award “Leader in the Industry 2020”. Available at:
Shop Biolik Pharma. Available at:
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