The substantiation of the composition of the phytospecies for the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases




inflammatory periodontal diseases; medicinal plant raw material; phytospecies; multicomponent herbal medicinal products


Recently, there has been a growing interest in the use of herbal medicines for the local treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases. This can be explained by the significantly higher efficiency of a complex of biologically active substances of multicomponent herbal medicinal products compared to the action of one medicinal plant. Therefore, one of the most convenient dosage forms in the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases is phytospecies from medicinal plants in the form of aqueous extracts for rinsing. Thus, the search for components of the herbal medicinal product that can be used in therapeutic dentistry is an urgent task for pharmacy.

Aim. To perform an informational search for medicinal plant raw material to substantiate the composition of the phytospecies in the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases.

Materials and methods. The sources of information were the State Register of Medicines, phytotherapeutic directories and encyclopedias, folk medicine formulas of phytospecies used in the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases. The methods of information search, generalization and system analysis were used in the work.

Results and discussion. We analyzed medicinal products of traditional and folk medicine, which were used to treat inflammatory periodontal diseases. According to the results of the studies conducted, it was n found that at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine herbal medicinal products of domestic production for the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases prevailed over foreign ones. In patient information leaflets for the herbal medicines analyzed, it was noted that the drugs exhibited various types of pharmacological activity; anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, pain-relieving, and astringent effects were the most common. It was found that herbal medicinal products in the form of gels and phytospecies were most often used in dental practice. Most products were single-component. The analysis showed that 20 species of medicinal plants belonging to 14 families were included in the composition of herbal medicinal products for the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases; among them the representatives of the Asteraceae and Lamiaceae families were the leading ones. When analyzing the formulas of folk medicine phytospecies, it was determined that they included 15 species of plants belonging to 10 families, the predominant among them were also species of the Asteraceae and Lamiaceae families. In formulas of traditional medicine, the largest number was one-component products from flowers, leaves or herb of plants, from which the preparation of infusions was recommended. In order to study the repeatability of the plant raw material in herbal medicinal products of traditional and folk medicine, we systematized them by blocks. To create the phytospecies for the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases based on blocks, we selected the plant raw material most often repeated in the products of traditional and folk medicine. Thus, chamomile flowers, oak bark, sage leaves, yarrow herb and St. John’s wort herb were selected to create the phytospecies.

Conclusions. The article outlines approaches to the search for the promising medicinal plant raw material to create a new multicomponent dental medicine, namely the data on the components of traditional medicines and the formulas of folk medicine phytospecies with the definition of the most commonly used medicinal plants, their parts, stable combinations have been systematized for the theoretical substantiation of the possible herbal ingredients of the phytospecies.

Author Biographies

N. I. Dubel, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Candidate of Pharmacy (Ph.D.), associate professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Management, Drug Technology  and Pharmacognosy

L. M. Grytsyk, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Candidate of Pharmacy (Ph.D.), associate professor of the Department of Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis  and Postgraduate Education

A. R. Grytsyk, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Doctor of Pharmacy (Dr. habil.), professor, head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Management, Drug Technology  and Pharmacognosy


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