The development of energy saving measures as a basis of ensuring energy efficiency in higher education institutions in healthcare of Ukraine




energy modernization, energy supply, energy efficiency, electric energy, energy management system


The implementation of efficient energy management systems (EnMS) to meet the requirements of ISO 50001 is an urgent problem, taking into account the aggravation of the issue of energy supply and energy saving in the country, especially in the conditions of martial law. The main issue facing higher education institutions (HEIs) of Ukraine when creating rational activities for the use of energy resources is the implementation of an energy management system to meet the requirements of DSTU ISO 50001:2020. The main problems faced by all HEIs now are revision of legislation, rising prices and cost of energy resources, high inflation, frequent exchange rate changes. EnMS will allow each institution to monitor energy consumption and provide an opportunity to develop and implement effective energy saving projects.

Aim. To theoretically substantiate and propose practical energy saving measures for a higher education institution (HEI) in the healthcare sector of Ukraine within the framework of the implemented energy management system.

Materials and methods. The research materials were data from scientific publications, statistical reports and the results of own research, in particular measures for the energy modernization of electric lighting in public areas of educational buildings of HEI. Such scientific methods as the method of content analysis, comparative analysis, the method of generalization and systematization of information, as well as the methods of mathematical and statistical calculations were applied.

Results and discussion. The calculation of electricity costs and savings for lighting public areas of all educational buildings of HEI of healthcare of Ukraine has been carried out, and the need for lighting equipment has been formed. The total electricity savings during the energy modernization of lighting in educational buildings of HEI of healthcare of Ukraine and the total economic efficiency from the electricity savings have been calculated. It has been found that the energy efficiency during the energy modernization of lighting in the educational buildings of HEI is 25,126 kWh/year, and the total economic efficiency from electricity savings is 69,600 UAH/year.

Conclusions. Energy saving measures have been proposed as part of the implemented energy management system, which will make it possible to significantly save electricity and reduce the financial costs for its purchase and distribution. This, in turn, will allow HEI to form its own general energy supply strategy aimed at improving both energy efficiency and overall operational efficiency.

Author Biographies

M.P. Nosachenko, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kharkiv

Рostgraduate student of the Department of Management and Quality Assurance in Pharmacy

T.V. Zborovska, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kharkiv

Candidate of Pharmacy (Ph.D.), associate professor the Department of Management and Quality Assurance  in Pharmacy


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