The effect of a new phytocomposition based on the cranberry leaf extract and amino acids on the pancreas and liver of rats in the model of diabetes mellitus type 2




diabetes mellitus type 2, streptozotocin, nicotinamide, pancreas, liver, large-fruited cranberry, amino acids.


In pharmacotherapy of diabetes mellitus type 2 and metabolic syndrome, medicinal plants and amino acids are used as an important preventive and therapeutic supplement to correct disorders that develop against the background of insulin resistance, which determines the relevance of developing new domestic combined antidiabetic herbal medicines.

Aim. To study the effect of a phytocomposition based on the polyphenol extract from large-fruited cranberry leaves and amino acids (L-arginine, taurine, glycine) on the state of the liver and pancreas of rats in an experimental model of diabetes mellitus type 2.

Materials and methods. Diabetes mellitus type 2 was reproduced by a single injection of rats with a streptozotocin solution in the dose of 65 mg/kg, intraperitoneally with the previous (15 min) intraperitoneal administration of nicotinamide in the dose of 230 mg/kg against the background of obesity (keeping rats on a high-calorie diet for 12 weeks). The pancreatic and hepatoprotective effect of the phytocomposition was studied according to the morphofunctional state of pancreatic β-cells, the content of glycogen and neutral fats in the liver and morphometric indices in the pancreas.

Results. The phytocomposition studied had a stimulating effect on regenerative processes in the insulin-producing apparatus of the rat pancreas – the severity of proliferation of small β-cells in pancreatic islets significantly increased compared to the control pathology. The phytocomposition at the morphological level showed hepatoprotective properties considerably reducing the manifestations of the toxic-dystrophic action of diabetogens, significantly restoring fat and carbohydrate metabolism in hepatocytes.

Conclusions. The results obtained substantiate the feasibility of further study of the phytocomposition as a promising antidiabetic agent.

Author Biographies

N.M. Kononenko, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kharkiv

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Normal and Pathological Physiology

M.S. Anisimova, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kharkiv

Graduate student of the Department of Normal and Pathological Physiology


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