The study of the amino acid composition of the alcoholic extract from bilberry leaves


  • I. O. Kolychev National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • T. A. Krasnikova National University of Pharmacy,
  • O. M. Koshovyi National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



Ericaceae, bilberry, leaves, alcoholic extract, amino acid


The qualitative composition and the quantitative content of free and bound amino acids in the alcoholic extract of bilberry leaves have been determined by HPLC using a high performance liquid chromatograph by Agilent Technologies firm (model 1100) equipped with a flow-through vacuum degasser G1379A, a four-channel pump of the low pressure gradient G13111A, an automatic injector G1313A, a column thermostat G13116A, and a diode array detector G1316A. To conduct the analysis a “ZORBAX - XDB - C18” chromatographic column with the size of 4.6 × 50 mm filled with the octadecylsilyl sorbent and with the granule size of 1.8 µm was used. Identification of amino acids was performed by the retention time of standards. The content of bound amino acids was calculated by subtracting the content of free amino acids from their total content. As a result of the study 19 amino acids have been found and their quantitative content has been determined. Five amino acids are essential – threonine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine and arginine. The dominant compounds are glutamic acid, asparagine, serine, gamma-aminobutyric acid and leucine. The content of free amino acids is 34.75% of the total amino acids, and the content of the bound ones is 65.25%. Most amino acids in the extract studied are in a bound state; therefore, they will affect solubility, bioavailability and the total pharmacological effect.

Author Biographies

I. O. Kolychev, National University of Pharmacy

Department of Pharmacognosy

T. A. Krasnikova, National University of Pharmacy

Associate Professor of Pharmacognosy Department

O. M. Koshovyi, National University of Pharmacy

Head of Pharmacognosy Department


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