The study of properties of polymeric stabilized emulsions based on Aristoflex


  • T. M. Kovalyova National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • N. P. Polovko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



emulsion, emulsifier, polymeric viscosity controllers, rheological properties, structural viscosity


The present work contains the study of stabilizing properties of Aristoflex AVC polymeric viscosity modifier and stabilizer of the oil/water type emulsion systems. The technological, physicochemical and rheological studies of emulsions on basis of the Aristoflex polymeric viscosity controller have been conducted. It has been proven that they are structured disperse systems with certain thixotropic properties. The results of the research indicate the prospects of using Aristoflex as a monostabilizer in the concentration of 1–2.5% with the oil phase content of 5–30%, respectively. It has been found that introduction of Aristoflex to the water or oil phase does not affect their organoleptic, physicochemical and rheological properties.

Author Biographies

T. M. Kovalyova, National University of Pharmacy

Associate professor at the Department of pharmacy technology of drugs

N. P. Polovko, National University of Pharmacy

Head of the Department of pharmacy technology of drugs


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Technology of Medicines