Correction of inflammation signs in postmenopausal women with the metabolic syndrome


  • L. V. Glushko SHHE «Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University», Ukraine
  • A. H. Nasrallah SHHE «Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University», Ukraine
  • S. V. Fedorov SHHE «Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University», Ukraine



metabolic syndrome, menopause, treatment, inflammation


The metabolic syndrome is a common condition that predisposes individuals to the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. Menopause is known to be associated with a fall in the estrogen levels accompanied with many health changes. Changes in the hormone levels in menopause, in particular estrogen deficiency are associated with increase in the body fat. Additionally, it sounds an alarm for women’s health since it leads to elevated blood pressure, insulin resistance and dyslipidemia. These changes may contribute to increased risks of the metabolic syndrome (MetS) in menopause women. Obesity shares the presence of an inflammatory component with most chronic diseases, it accounts for development of the metabolic disease and other associated health alterations. The aim of the study was to study the effect of bioflavonoid Quercetin and ω-3 PUFA on some components of inflammation in menopausal women with MetS. Material and methods. Eighty menopausal women with MetS were observed. All participants were divided into four groups: group І – basic therapy (20 patients); group ІІ (19 patients) – basic therapy + Quercetin; group ІІІ (21 patients) – basic therapy + ω-3 PUFA; group IV (20 patients) – basic therapy + ω-3 PUFA + Quercetin. The general white blood count in the blood and their subpopulations has been determined; the leukocytal indexes and the degree of endogenous intoxication have been calculated by the erythrocytes sorptivity (ES) test. Results. The use of Quercetin has shown the most significant results for dynamics of white blood cells count, its subpopulations in the blood, leukocytal indexes and the degree of endogenous intoxication. Conclusions. Thus, the additional use of Quercetin has a strong influence on the components of chronic inflammation in the metabolic syndrome in menopausal women.


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Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology