Research of primary directions of the pharmacy specialists social protection in ukraine on the basis of social protection in the European Union


  • M. V. Zarichkova National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



social protection, pharmacy professionals, social protection of pharmacy specialists, pharmaceutical industry, labour protection, social officer, social service of pharmacy professionals


Current economic models of social protection in the EU and mechanisms of their coordination have been analysed in the article. Priorities of the social protection system development in the EU member states, including social measures, which promote innovative economic development on the basis of human capital improvement, have been also considered in the article. It has been determined that a certain type of social protection and its provision depend upon the size and number of contributions to the relevant social protection institutions; the right to social protection is related to the fact of residence in one of the EU member states where each country applies its own legislation on this issue. We consider that creation of an effective social protection system in Ukraine depends on many factors and the use of good practices of the EU countries and important international organizations is one of the factors. To create a modern and efficient system of social protection for pharmacy specialists in Ukraine, it is offered to involve the international experience, in particular the experience of the EU member states. We consider that it is necessary to define a constructive way to achieve high standards of the social life in our country and to develop various social programmes for the domestic pharmaceutical industry, to introduce them into the government activity, having implemented them into the state and regional legal framework.


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Organization and Economy of Pharmacy