The effect of the antidiabetic composition on the functional condition of the rat liver in the experimental diabetes


  • O. Yu. Koshova National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



diabetes mellitus, hepatopathy, medicinal plants, antidiabetic composition


On the model of diabetes mellitus in rats induced by the 18-days subcutaneous administration of dexamethasone in the dose of 0.125 mg/kg the hepatoprotective properties of a new antidiabetic composition based on medicinal plants have been investigated. The antidiabetic composition and the reference drug – officinal composition “Arphasetinum” were introduced intragastrically as a decoction in the dose of 18 ml/kg simultaneously with dexamethasone. According to the data obtained the antidiabetic composition exhibited a significant hepatoprotective and general metabolic effect. Under the effect of the composition studied the normalization of the basal glycemic level, recovery of the lipid balance and the bile secretory function of the liver, decrease of activity of cytolysis and inflammatory marker enzymes were observed. By its effect on the majority of the indices studied the new antidiabetic composition exceeded the reference composition “Arphasetinum”.

Author Biography

O. Yu. Koshova, National University of Pharmacy



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Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology