Substantiation of the socio-medical reasonability of development and cost-effectiveness of “Tiotarin” tablets


  • S. N. Kovalenko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



investment, economic efficiency, commercial attractiveness, “Tiotarin” tablets, socio-medical reasonability


For the first time using a systematic approach a comprehensive model to determine the socio-medical reasonability, cost-effectiveness and commercial attractiveness of developing a new drug “Tiotarin” has been proposed. To assess financial results from the introduction of the drug “Tiotarin” into industrial production the results of the predictive target sales according to the optimistic, most probable and pessimistic versions of the experts of the Marketing Department of domestic drug manufacturers have been used taking into account the economic calculation and market conditions. The scientific and practical approaches, which include marketing, economic, financial research methods and the method of mathematical modelling, have been proposed. They allow to substantiate the socio-medical reasonability, cost-effectiveness and commercial attractiveness of a new drug “Tiotarin” based on the use of variants of modern marketing strategies. Creation of the through marketing programme for introducing the innovative project as an instrument of the project implementation has been recommended.

Author Biography

S. N. Kovalenko, National University of Pharmacy



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Organization and Economy of Pharmacy