The study of hormone-like properties of glioxyren


  • I. I. Shevtsov National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



glioxyren, derivatives of 2-oxoindoline-3-glyoxyllic acid, diuretic activity, dopamine-renal receptor agonist, antagonist of aldosterone


Aim. To study the possible interaction of glioxyrene (a new diuretic substance – a derivative of 2-oxoindoline-3-glyoxyllic acid) with renal receptors of mineralocorticosteroids; to find out the possible role of the dopamine-like effect in the renal effects of glioxyren, as well as study the effectiveness of the simultaneous use of inhibitors of dopamine receptors and glioxyren.
Materials and methods. In the experiment in rats the interaction of glioxyren with peripheral renal receptors of dopamine was studied through the effect of the substance on diuresis under blockade of these receptors with domperidone (a blocker of peripheral receptors of dopamine) in the dose of 50 mg/kg. Diuresis, excretion of sodium and potassium were determined for 2 hours. The effect of glioxyren on the receptors of mineralocorticoids on the background of the partial blockade of these receptors by spironolocton in the oral dose of 20 mg/kg was studied. Water diuresis, excretion of sodium and potassium was studied for 2 hours.
Results and discussion. It has been found that there is the stimulation of water diuresis with glioxyrene as a result of strengthening of the renal blood flow, activation of sodium excretion due to inhibition of sodium reabsorption as a result of the effect on the epithelium of the nephron tubules, stimulation of natriurea and reduction of potassium due to inhibition of aldosterone secretion in the adrenal glands.
Conclusions. Glioxyren has the properties of a dopamine renal receptor agonist as it causes renal dopaminespecific effects associated with the activation of peripheral dopamine receptors. Glioxyren is not an aldosterone renal receptor antagonist.

Author Biography

I. I. Shevtsov, National University of Pharmacy

associate professor of the Department of Pathological Physiology


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Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology