The marketing analysis of anti-gout medicines presented at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine




gout, anti-gout medicines, pharmaceutical market, assortment


Gout is one of the most common forms of joint inflammation. From year to year the number of patients in the world is increasing. Despite the effective methods of treatment, gout is not always diagnosed on time and the treatment of patients starts late. A very important issue in the pharmacotherapy of patients with this nosology is to provide them with the sufficient number of effective, safe and affordable medicines presented at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine.
Aim. To conduct the marketing assortment analysis of anti-gout medicines (AGM) presented at the local pharmaceutical market, its features and development trends.
Materials and methods. In the study, data of the State Register of Medicines of Ukraine, Compendium – medicines and scientific articles of professional publications were used. The main research methods were systematic, comparative, marketing analysis of drug market structure, monitoring and graphical method.
Results and discussion. It has been determined that the Ukrainian market of AGM is formed mainly by foreign manufactures (55 %), has 9 trade names of medicines, 9 companies-manufactures from 6 countries of the world. Medicines of the study group are presented at the pharmaceutical market only in tablet form. It has been found that the allopurinol group medicines are less expensive, while imported medicines of the febuxostat group are of the maximum cost. Medicines that do not affect the metabolism of uric acid are presented by only one imported drug which has no local analog, and it significantly limits the consumers’ choice of available medicines for the treatment of gout.
Conclusions. The marketing analysis of the assortment of AGM presented at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine as of March 2020 has been conducted. The low level of the physical and economic availability of these medicines for the population of the country has been revealed.

Author Biographies

V. P. Khodakivska, Zhytomyr Basic professional College of Pharmacy

candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, lecturer of higher qualification category

N. M. Senkiv, Zhytomyr Basic professional College of Pharmacy

lecturer of the first qualification category


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Organization and Economy of Pharmacy