The analysis of the assortment of medicines of mineral supplements presented at the Ukrainian market




pharmaceutical market, medicines of mineral supplements, natural clay, blue clay


Aim. To analyze the registered medicines of mineral supplements in order to determine the feasibility of creating and organizing the production of new drugs based on natural clays and, in particular blue clay.

Materials and methods. A list of medicines based on official sources of information processed by the methods of generalization, systematization, graphics, as well as the methods of comparative and structural analysis were used in the work.

Results and discussion. The analysis of the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine concerning the assortment of the registered medicines containing micro- and macronutrients in their composition has been conducted. The selected list of medicinal products by the ATC classification, origin, composition, production feature and type of a dosage form has been structured. By the production feature the majority of medicines are from abroad (68.25 %). It has been determined that the medicines of the segment studied are available exclusively in the form of oral dosage forms (tablets, capsules, oral drops, suspensions). Oral tablets (64 %) are dominant at the domestic pharmaceutical market (64 %) There are no medicines of this group with natural clays and, in particular with blue clay at the pharmaceutical market.

Conclusions. The absence of medicines of mineral supplements with natural clays of domestic production at the Ukrainian market has been proven; it indicates the feasibility of introducing new domestic medicines of mineral supplements based on natural clays and, in particular blue clay to the market.

Author Biographies

V. D. Rybachuk, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Candidate of Pharmacy (Ph.D), associate professor of the Department of Industrial Technology of Drugs

T. I. Berehova, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine


M. O. Kubska, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine



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Organization and Economy of Pharmacy