The study of factors affecting the socio-psychological climate in the labor collective of a pharmacy institution




socio-psychological climate; pharmacy; labor collective; affecting factors; pharmacist


Aim. To study the theoretical foundations of the socio-psychological climate of a pharmacy institution and determine the factors affecting it.

Materials and methods. The methods of generalization, analysis and synthesis, content analysis were used in the study. An expert survey was used to determine the factors affecting the socio-psychological climate in the pharmacy. All members of the staff working in the pharmacy took part in the survey. The total number of respondents who participated in the expert study was 563 pharmacists. The study covered all regions of Ukraine. The results of the survey are significant and consistent.

Results and discussion. The approaches to defining the essence of the “socio-psychological climate” concept have been studied. The generalized definition of “socio-psychological climate of a pharmacy institution” can be defined as the mood and relationships developed in the labor collective and manifested as a set of psychological conditions
that promote or hinder joint activities and the personal development of each employee. Factors affecting the sociopsychological climate in the labor collective of the pharmacy have been studied.

Conclusions. The socio-psychological climate is the result of joint activities of members of the labor collective and their interpersonal interaction; it is manifested itself in the mood and opinions of the team, well-being and assessments of the pharmacist’s living conditions in the team and expressed in relationships related to work and the solution of common tasks.

Author Biography

N.V. Andrienko, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

postgraduate student of the Department of Management and Public Administration


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Organization and Economy of Pharmacy