The substantiation of the composition of a medical pencil for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the skin and the red border of the lips




medical pencils; technology; extracts; diseases of the skin of the lips


Aim. To substantiate the composition of the product for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the skin and the red border of the lips in the form of a medical pencil.

Materials and methods. When developing the composition of a medical pencil the study objects were samples containing corn oil or the oil extract from a mixture of the medicinal plant raw material, cocoa butter, such waxes as beeswax, carnauba, candelilla, and lanolin, paraffin in various ratios, as well as the mango extract. The medical pencil
composition was substantiated based on the results of determining the organoleptic, sensory (consumer) and physicochemical properties (melting point, hardness, spreadability and adhesion (stickiness) of the smear).

Results and discussion. The results of the study shown that the hardness and melting point of pencils increased with an increase in the content of sealants, primarily beeswax and carnauba wax, and paraffin. An increase in the content of these components reduced the spreadability and adhesion of the base. Cocoa butter and lanonin in the
composition of the base improved the adhesion and spreadability of the pencil, but did not provide the necessary hardness of the product. Based on the results of the study of physico-chemical and consumer properties, the bases, which included the mango extract and the oil extract from a mixture of the medicinal plant raw material (sage leaves,
eucalyptus leaves, marigold flowers, chamomile flowers), were chosen. It was shown that the introduction of extracts slightly increased the melting point and hardness of the base and reduced the spreadability of the pencil.

Сonclusions. Based on the results of studying the melting point, hardness, spreadability and adhesion the composition of the wax-fat base has been chosen. The effect of the oil extract of a mixture of the medicinal plant raw material and the mango extract on the properties of the pencil base has been determined. According to the results of our research, the composition of a medical pencil for the prevention and treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the skin and the red border of the lips has been proposed. It contains cocoa butter – 10 %, beeswax – 10 %, lanolin – 5 %, carnauba wax – 3 %, candelilla wax – 7 %, the mango extract – 5 % and the oil extract of a mixture of the medicinal plant raw material – up to 100.0.

Author Biographies

T. M. Nesteruk , National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Postgraduate student of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of Drugs

N. P. Polovko, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Doctor of Pharmacy (Dr. habil.), professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of Drugs


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Technology of Medicines