The main aspects of effective internal audits of the energy management system in health care institutions




internal audit; healthcare institutions; internal audit program; questionnaire; energy management system


Aim. To analyze the main components of conducting and forming recommendations for the effective implementation of internal audits of the energy management system in healthcare institutions.

Materials and methods. To achieve the goal, we applied such methods as informative, retrospective, analytical ones based on the study of scientific literature, materials of Internet-resources and our own conclusions regarding the results of the work carried out.

Results and discussion. The article analyzes the main aspects of effective implementation of internal audits of the energy management system in healthcare institutions. It has been shown that internal audits are not conducted effectively and do not add the expected value. The causes for low performance have been analyzed and systematized. It has been proven that the problem of improving the effectiveness of internal audits of the energy management system should be solved systematically, using the methods and approaches developed by the authors and proposed in the article.

Conclusions. Internal audits of the energy management system should be given closer attention in each healthcare institution since a properly organized audit process is an effective tool for analyzing the energy management system and provides important and relevant information for timely corrective and preventive actions.

Author Biographies

M. P. Nosachenko, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Postgraduate student of the Department of Management and Quality Assurance in Pharmacy

S. M. Kovalenko, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kharkiv

Doctor of Pharmacy (Dr. habil.), professor of the Department of Management and Quality Assurance in Pharmacy


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Organization and Economy of Pharmacy