Marketing analysis and positioning of diuretic medicines at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine




Diuretics; marketing analysis; assortment; positioning; pharmaceutical market


Aim. To perform the marketing analysis of the domestic pharmaceutical market in the segment of diuretic medicines and study the directions of their positioning.

Materials and methods. The research materials are data from the State Register of Medicines of Ukraine and the Electronic Medicines Compendium. To achieve the goal, the methods of logical and meaningful problem formation, desk market research, comparative analysis, content analysis of scientific and practically oriented medical and pharmaceutical publications were used.

Results and discussion. The article presents the results of the marketing analysis of the domestic pharmaceutical market of diuretic medicines of group C03 “Diuretics” registered at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine as of July 1, 2023. It has been determined that the range of diuretic medicines includes 124 trade names analyzed by INN, the number of trade names, by production, dosage form, price range, availability in the assortment of pharmacies. The analysis of the market of the group of medicines studied by producing countries, form of release and conditions of dispensing from pharmacies has been performed, as well as positioning has been carried by the peculiarities of the use of diuretics by such consumer segments as children, women during pregnancy and lactation. The INNs of medicines, which content are not offered by domestic manufacturers, have been identified, and therefore they can be considered promising for updating the product range.

Conclusions. The results of the marketing analysis of the diuretic market and development of positioning directions are the basis for the search and development of new effective domestic medicines for the treatment and prevention of renal failure, neurological and cardiac diseases and other diseases in the pharmacotherapy of which diuretics are used.

Author Biographies

V. V. Malyi, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kharkiv

Doctor of Pharmacy (Dr. habil.), professor, head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing

N. G. Malinina, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kharkiv

Candidate of Pharmacy (Ph.D.), associate professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing

O. Yu. Rohulia, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kharkiv

Candidate of Pharmacy (Ph.D.), associate professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing

G. S. Babicheva, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kharkiv

Candidate of Pharmacy (Ph.D.), associate professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing

I. V. Bondarieva, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kharkiv

Candidate of Pharmacy (Ph.D.), associate professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing

A. А. Chehrynets, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kharkiv

Сandidate of Pharmacy (Ph.D.), teaching assistant of the Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing


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Organization and Economy of Pharmacy