Expert evaluation of drugs as basic factor for development of recommended socioeconomic lists for the treatment of viral origin children enteritis


  • M. V. Balynska National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



viral diarrhea, viral origin enteritis, expert evaluation, antidiarrheal drugs, socioeconomic lists of drugs, children


In the article the results of a comprehensive expert evaluation of drugs for the treatment of viral diarrhea (VD) in children as an important stage in the development of regulatory socioeconomic lists (SEL) are presented. In particular the results of calculations of expert competency were given and was found that among the totality of respondents almost 15% of the experts have experience in the specialty for over 20 years, 50% - from 10 to 20 years of service, indicating the high experience of the physicians surveyed. In addition, 92% of experts have higher or the first qualification category, which confirms the high professional level of the respondents. It was established that 76% of the sample LP evaluated by competent experts were recommended for inclusion in recommended SEL for the treatment of VD in children. The calculations allowed to found the inclusion to recommended SEL of the last 19 drugs by trade names corresponding to the 5th pharmacological groups and an additional 3 drugs by INN. The results can be used in future to create the recommended insurance (primary and secondary) lists of drugs for pharmacotherapy VD in children if provided additional pharmacoeconomic studies that question remains relevant national health care system in the implementation of health insurance.


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Organization and Economy of Pharmacy