The choice of the rational technology of “Dentatryhin” gel


  • V. S. Kucherenko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • Sv. M. Kovalenko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • I. I. Baranova National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



dentistry, gel, technology research, structural - mechanical properties


Particular attention when developing drugs is paid to the choice of the rational technology. The technological process is an important aspect affecting the quality and stability of a drug, and should consist of a system of interconnected and evidence-based operations. The effect of the active components of “Dentatryhin” gel (triclosan, aminocaproic acid and lavender oil) in the concentrations specified on the structural-mechanical and physicochemical properties of test samples of the gels based on Carbomer 934 P has been studied; it is important from the point of view of consumer and technological characteristics of the medicinal product. It has been proven that the combined gel “Dentatryhin” developed for treating gingivitis represents a structured system with moderate thixotropic properties and satisfactory consumer characteristics. The rational technology of a dental gel has been experimentally determined; it consists of several sequential steps such as preparing a gel base, first introducing the alcohol solutions of triclosan and lavender oil into it, and then an aqueous solution of aminocaproic acid with the subsequent homogenization.


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Technology of Medicines