Analysis of the domestic market of plant-based medicines


  • E. V. Tolochko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



pharmaceutical market, analysis, medicines, herbal remedies



Therapy with medicinal plants and remedies on their basis from time immemorial has been used by mankind to treat a variety of diseases and has not lost its relevance up to now. Today, phytomedicines are used both in the complex therapy (as a complementary element) and independently. There are medicines of the plant origin and herbal remedies. The aim of this study was to analyse the range of phytomedicines registered at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine. In the section “Herbal medicines” of Reference book of medicines of Ukraine (04/01/2013) 992 names of medicines are presented, except of substances and medicines in bulk. The study of this range has shown that the vast majority of medicines are manufactured in Ukraine. Medicines produced in Germany and India prevail among foreign phytomedicines. Subsequent analysis of dosage forms of phytomedicines has revealed that the largest number of medicines comes to the domestic market in the form of the medicinal plant raw material, tablets, tinctures, capsules, solutions and syrups. Distribution of phytomedicines by the age limits has been studied. It has been found that the most of medicines are intended for use by children above 12 years old and adults. Thus, it has been found that there are only few phytomedicines for younger children, whereas phytotherapy is the most appropriate for treating children of different age groups. This fact makes developing of new domestic phytomedicines for use in pediatrics particularly relevant and reasonable.

Author Biography

E. V. Tolochko, National University of Pharmacy

Ассистент кафедры технологии лекарств


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