Scientific substantiation of the basic trends of prescription and non-prescription medicines sales in Ukraine


  • L. V. Tereshchenko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • A. S. Nemchenko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



prescription medicines, over-the-counter medicines, sale of medicines, methods of mathematical statistics


There is violation in a clear procedure of prescribing by doctors and dispensing of drugs from pharmacies in Ukraine. It has been noted that determination of the main trends in sales of prescription and non-prescription medicines from domestic pharmacies is one of today’s topical areas of medicine and pharmacy. According to the results of the pharmaceutical market analysis it has been found that today the methods for determination of trends of drug sales using the methods of mathematical statistics are practically absent. The method of determination of the main trends in sales of prescription and OTC medicines in Ukraine and regions has been suggested; based on its results it has been found that in Ukraine on the whole and in most of the regions there is a tendency of decreasing the level of drug sales. At the same time for OTC medicines the increase of the level of sales is observed in the Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zhitomir, Zaporozhia, Kievan, Kirovohrad, Odessa and Kharkov regions. For prescription medicines the increase of the level of sales takes place in the Donetsk and Zhitomir regions. The models of regression proposed can be effectively used for solving tasks of prognostication and analysis of indexes of drug sales. The results of the correlation analysis indicate a significant positive relationship between the number of outpatient visits and the income level, between bed occupancy and the level of sales of prescription medicines, as well as between the income level and the number of sales of prescription medicines.


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Organization and Economy of Pharmacy