A comparative study of efficiency of different ivermectin medicinal forms for treating helmintosis in live-stock animals


  • Yu. V. Sokolov «AT Biopharm» JSC, Ukraine




helmintosis, ivermectin, parasites


A comparative study of efficiency of injection and oral forms of ivermectin has been conducted. The research results indicate that efficiency of drugs with ivermectin against endoparasites is very high and reaches 100%. The exception is Oesophagostomum dentatum, the therapeutic effectiveness against it in some cases was less – from 85% to 95%. The therapeutic effectiveness in experimental groups is 100%; it confirms the complete parasites elimination by “Neoverm” in the doses from 0.2 to 0.3 mg/kg when using it twice and in the dose of 0.3 mg/kg with a single use. The single use of “Neoverm” in the doses lower than 0.3 mg/kg does not provide the complete elimination of parasites. The use of drugs with ivermectin – “Neoverm” and “Intramek” based on a nanoemulsion provides the therapeutic effect even after single administration. In spite of the fact that a single administration of injection drug ”Intramek” in the recommended dose of 0.3 мg/kg did not result in the complete elimination of O. dentatum, its efficiency can be considered as rather sufficient compared to the oral drug “Neoverm”. The oral 0.6% ivermectin premix also showed high efficiency against endoparasites, except for O. dentatum. The use of injection and oral drugs with ivermectin– “Neoverm” and “Intramek” based on nanoemulsions is technologically more advantageous for farms than application of the oral premix since these drugs provide a therapeutic effect even after a single administration, while the premix must be given during a week. The therapeutic effectiveness of “Neoverm” and “Intramek” can be considered as equivalent. It is obvious that oral drug “Neoverm” will be beneficial for large livestock and injection “Intramek” – for small farms.


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Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology