Analysis of the car first aid kits of Ukraine and Great Britain according to the normative documents


  • T. V. Diadiun National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • S. A. Mamedova National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



car first aid kit, first aid, labelling, normative documents


Many deaths in consequence of road traffic accidents could be prevented if first aid was given to the victim prior to the arrival of ambulances. This will require the presence of a first aid kit in a vehicle, the contents of which can provide aid in case of road traffic accidents and other injuries. First aid is the aid provided to the person, who suffered from sudden injury or illness. It includes a set of skills that have theoretical support and require some training. Today there are two regulations such as Order No. 187 and DSTU 3961-2000, and there are differences in the contents of the car first aid kit in Ukraine. The normative documents have been studied, and the difference between the contents of the car first aid kits in Ukraine and Great Britain has been determined. A comparative analysis has shown that citizens of Ukraine are more prepared for adverse situations that may arise in case of a road traffic accident. It is shown by the presence of drugs needed in case of emergency, while the British first aid kit contains mostly plasters and bandages. It has been also found that there is a difference in labelling of storage cases.

Author Biographies

T. V. Diadiun, National University of Pharmacy

Ass. professor of Commodity Science Department

S. A. Mamedova, National University of Pharmacy

Assistant of Commodity Science Department


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Organization and Economy of Pharmacy