Studying of the wound healing effect of ointment with groated leaves of Black Alder (Alnus Glutinosa) on the model of plane wound




plane wound, wound healing effect, ointment with groated leaves of Black Alder, Wundehyl


The aim is to investigate the specific wound-healing effect of a new medicinal form – ointment with groated leaves of Black Alder on the model of a plane wound.

Materials and methods. The wound healing effect of the new ointment with groated leaves of Black Alder was carried out on the model of a full-layer planar skin cut wound in rats with planimetric and morphological parameters in comparison with the preparation «Wundehyl».

Results and discussion. It is established that the wound healing activity of the ointment with groated leaves of Black Alder was 1.84-4.76 times higher than the ointment «Wundehyl»  in the rate of wound healing on the 9-15th day of application. Morphological analysis showed intensive epithelialization and development of granulation tissue during treatment with a new ointment.

Conclusions. A new ointment with groated leaves of Black Alder showed the best wound healing effect on the control group and exceeded the reference preparation by 3.33 times, accelerating the healing of wounds for 3-4 days. The test dosage form can be considered a promising treatment for wounds.

Author Biographies

V. A. Volkovoy, National University of Pharmacy

Doctor of Medicine (Dr. habil.), professor of Department of Pathological Physiology

N. V. Derkach, National University of Pharmacy

Candidate of Biology, associate professor of Department of Pathological Physiology

T. O. Bahlai, National University of Pharmacy

Postgraduate student of Department of Pathological Physiology

L. V. Karabut, National University of Pharmacy

Candidate of Medicine, associate professor of Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics


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Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology